Saturday, August 15, 2009

New Parish Website

Please visit our new parish website at

Church of the Nativity, Midland Park, NJ

Fr. Peter Funesti

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Father Peter Funesti in the GIFT Program

I am one of the new pastors in the Growing in Faith and Theology, or GIFT.
For more information you can see:
Father Peter Funesti in the G.I.F.T. Program

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Reverend Peter Funesti and St. Paul

Fr. Peter Funesti – Nativity, Midland Park
The Letters of Paul – On the occasion of the
Pauline Jubilee Year, let’s read Paul’s letters
and learn how Paul “lived and worked for Christ”

For more info, visit:
Reverend Peter Funesti and St. Paul